So I don’t trust the other 3 to not be dumb fucks. “I ban Caveira every chance I get, and it has nothing to do with her being OP (she’s not) i just play with one friend and we typically only voice chat with each other.
That’s why low ranks think she’s overpowered.” “Little-to-no communication poor game sense and bad mechanical skill are the reasons why people are in low Gold and below. A lot of mfs in gold and below think Caveria is OP. Because of that, low-tier players thinks that she is overpowered. He stated that low-ranked players have bad communication, poor game sense, and bad mechanical skill problems, and Caveira abuses all these issues.
Interro has replied to a fan account on Twitter and revealed why Caveira is actually overpowered in the lower ranks like gold/silver. In his career, he worked for the tournaments like Six Invitational 2020, Pro League Season 10 Finals, and more. Parker Mackay, known as “Interro,” is a 29-year-old Canadian Rainbow Six Siege caster who has been working under ESL brand for over two and a half years.